Industrial Technical Benefits- Canada's new approach to offsets for defence procurement: As part of the recently announced Defence Procurement Strategy, the Canadian Government has introduced a new industrial benefits policy that is designed to leverage purchases of defence equipment to create jobs and economic growth in Canada. Companies pursuing defence procurement opportunities in Canada will be required to submit value propositions, include key industrial capabilities (KIC) in their proposal and submit detailed industrial and technological benefits (ITB) plans with their proposals that will then be rated by the Government.Why should you Attend:
Defence budgets are being cut throughout the world's advanced nations. While Canada is no exception, new defence policies have been introduced since 2008 that provide for predictable defence spending over a 20 year period. As part of those defence policies, the Canadian Government introduced the National Shipbuilding Procurement Strategy that envisaged spending more than $40B on ship replacement programs over the next 15 years.With the exception of the USA, this is probably one of the largest military ship construction programs anywhere in the world today. Coupled to the NSPS is a recently announced Defence Procurement Strategy that reinforces the industrial benefits program required for all defence procurement; a program that in many ways is even more demanding than previous policies. If you are considering pursuing defence procurement opportunities in Canada, you will need to join this webinar to be up to date on the new Canadian policy
Areas Covered in the Session:
- Background to Industrial Regional Benefits in Canada
- Impact of IRB's on the defence industry in Canada
- Policy changes over past three years
- Why a new approach to defence procurement was required
- New Defence Procurement Strategy
- Industrial and Technological Benefits 101
- National Shipbuilding Procurement Strategy
- Impact of ITB's on shipbuilding requirements
- Major Defence projects 2014-2020
- Conclusions
Who Will Benefit:
- CEO's
- VP Business Development
- VP Marketing
- VP Technical and Engineering
- Senior Government officials in State and Commerce
Speaker ProfileAnthony Goode After 30 years of commissioned service in the Canadian Navy, during which he commanded HMC Ships THUNDER, CHIGNECTO, SAGUENAY and ALGONQUIN, as well as Training Group Pacific, Fourth Destroyer Squadron and Royal Roads Military College, Tony Goode retired as the CF Naval Attache at the Canadian Embassy in Washington, DC in 1996 to join Litton Systems Canada (now L-3 Electronic Systems) as the Program Manager for the Tribal Class Update and Modernization Program (TRUMP). As that program wound down, Tony assumed responsibilities for program management of the CP 140 Mission Systems Avionics Engineering and In Service Support program and other related contracts.
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